
My name is Jasmine Benton and I am 14 years of age. I live with my younger sister named Rose and my mom. I am from district twelve which is known as the coal district. District twelve is the poorest district and many people are poor.  My hobbies are studying plants, sketching plants and singing. I do not have access to many books, so I use an old journal to sketch and record plant data and plant sketches. I now have extensive knowledge on various plants in my district. I go out in the woods very often, where I sing, sketch, record and chart areas. Going out in the woods is very risky and bad if you get caught, so I have become stealthy with sneaking around, fast and very evasive. Multiple times before an animal has attacked me, so I always keep a small knife and a staff sharpened at the end.  My strengths are being very logical, fast and evasive.

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